We often hear "I'm no longer flying with airline x because it lost my luggage".
Let's do a bit of justice to the airlines too - they don't lose the luggage, but the company/companies that handle ground operations at the airport.
Why are the bags lost / not arriving on time?
There are many reasons, we list only a few: very large airports that make it difficult to manage the transfer of luggage, planes that are late and then there is no time left for the transfer of luggage, planes that simply have no more space in the hold, malfunctions of the conveyor belts etc
It is very important to have a tag on your luggage with the address to which the luggage should be sent if it is delayed and also to put such a tag in your luggage in case the outer one breaks or gets damaged.
If your luggage has not arrived, go and complain about it, fill in the forms presented in full and follow the instructions of the airport staff.
As a rule, you will receive your luggage at home in a few days at the most. Of course, there are also cases (few, however) in which luggage does not arrive at all - it gets lost, but despite the inconvenience created, we still have to admit that the percentage of lost and unclaimed luggage is in reality small and also part of the unpredictable.
Maybe the only protection in case of lost/delayed luggage, protection that gives us the right to compensation in these cases, is insurance, but... nobody wants to buy insurance, right?